New Features

POS (Point-of-Sale) View Mode

If you log into the sales interface from your PC or smartphone, you can now change between the traditional TEXT view mode and the new POS (Point-of-Sale) view mode by selecting the View as option in the navigation menu (next to the Logout link). Examples of the differences between these two modes is illustrated in the screenshots below.




The POS mode has the following features:

  • Presented with larger buttons and font, and is more comfortable to navigate from a touchscreen, smartphone or even a PC in a retail environment.
  • When you select the option to purchase denominated vouchers (e.g. Airtime, Lotto), you are presented with a grid of buttons that allow you to select the operator for all operator vouchers (e.g. MTN, Vodacom, etc), or one of the top-three selling vouchers for each operator. This is the view that is illustrated in the above screenshot.

You can switch between the two modes at any time, and your last selection will be remembered for future logins.



Bulk Purchase of Denominated Vouchers

The Bulk Purchase function allows you to purchase a number of vouchers at the same time. The vouchers are downloaded in a single character-separated (CSV) text file which can be imported into a spreadsheet and printed in bulk. This is useful if you need to pre-print a large number of vouchers at the beginning of a sales shift instead of purchasing three vouchers at a time from the standard PC-based sales interface.

Click here for instruction about the Bulk Purchase interface.